
FaisalWhile working as a Reader for the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Admissions Office, Faisal reviewed hundreds of applications and learned what distinguished the successful candidates from those who were merely qualified for admission. Faisal also obtained his MBA from Booth and has professional experiences in management consulting, tech, and the healthcare sectors.

Faisal’s focus in each sector was always marketing and strategy, helping his clients and products stand out from the competition. As a result, Faisal emphasizes work that helps his MBA clients create a framework for their stories. Where have you succeeded? Where have you failed? What excites you? What’s different about you? Faisal’s clients describe the work that he does as part admissions consulting and part executive coaching. The skills Faisal imparts help not only with creating an MBA application, but also with refining career goals and objectives.

Faisal’s MBA clients have been admitted to all Top 10 schools and with over $500K in combined scholarship grants. He has lived, traveled, or worked on six continents and has engaged with MBA candidates from all corners of the world. Along the way, he’s learned that every person has a fascinating story to tell, even if the language and style they use to tell it differs. Whether you know your long term goals or need help as a career changer, he is happy to help you tell yours.

School Package Prices

Package Price (USD) Savings
▶ Start with 2 Schools $7,495
▶ Start with 3 Schools $8,995 $1,000
▶ Start with 4 Schools $10,495 $2,000
▶ Start with 5 Schools $11,995 $3,000
▶ Start with 6 Schools $13,495 $4,000

Package Savings: You have 30 days to add schools at the package rate. After 30 days, adding schools is $2,500 USD per school.

Selected Testimonials

Reflections from some of Faisal’s recent client success stories:

Accepted to Harvard Business School

There is so much information related to MBA applications available online that it is sometimes difficult to pick what exactly goes into a successful application. If you are lucky, then you get to work with consultants like Faisal.

I took the GMAT in the last week of June and this left me with only about 2 months to prepare an application for HBS, my dream school. As is the norm, I started going through consultant profiles online and set up an introductory interview with Faisal from MBA Prep School.

It is difficult to differentiate between different consultants but after talking to Faisal, I felt that he would help me in molding my application to be a successful one.

As an engineer from an over-represented nationality, I needed to come up with something special to differentiate myself from other applicants. After the first couple of efforts at the essay, Faisal told me that I had had an interesting life and I was not doing justice to it in my essays. With every iteration of the essays, Faisal made me think more and helped me highlight aspects of my life which I had initially thought to be less impactful. Faisal was always available when I needed a sounding board and he was extremely prompt in turning around whatever material I sent him. Even when he had a personal situation, Faisal still went the extra mile and found time to help me finish the application.

I am glad to say that all these efforts paid off and I was accepted at HBS (Class of 2018).

At some point during the application, Faisal ceased to be a consultant and became more like my mentor. I have already recommended his services to colleagues and in the future too.

Thank you again for helping me achieve my dream of going to HBS 🙂

Accepted to Harvard Business School and Duke Fuqua

Faisal was a true pleasure to work with. I had spoken to a few potential consultants but I ultimately chose Faisal and I could not be happier.

From day one, he took the time to get to know my story, my passions and what was driving my decision to apply to business school. It may sound simple but by having us both align on these ideas, Faisal was able to give me specific feedback that helped elevate all my application material.

Be it essays, career goals or work experience write-ups, Faisal outlined what each specific school I was applying to was looking for. This allowed me to tailor my applications and was a huge driver behind how I was able to stand out amongst a crowded field and receive acceptances at multiple schools.

Faisal also went out of his way to provide thorough responses to any other questions I had about the application process on his own time.

I can’t thank Faisal enough for his help and partnership!

Accepted to Yale, Dartmouth, and Kellogg with $80K in scholarships!

Having graduated from a state university and working at a tech startup in a more rural region of the Midwest, I only knew a handful of people who had pursued an MBA at a top program. In order to get into a top school, I knew I would greatly benefit from an admissions consultant who could position my unique background as an asset and not a liability.

After speaking with various admissions consultants, I chose Faisal for his candor, past experience as a member of Booth’s admission committee, and impressive storytelling ability. I also appreciated that Faisal was NOT a full-time admissions consultant and consequently worked with only a handful of people (i.e., 4-5) at a given time. I knew that being 1 of 5 clients would result in me receiving more personalized attention than had I been just 1 of 20 clients to a career admissions consultant.

Once we got to work, Faisal delivered. Rather than diving immediately into essay writing, he made sure that I was clear on my “brand” and what value I could add to a school. When work was busy and I got behind, Faisal would hold me accountable and gently push me to meet our deadlines. As a proofreader, Faisal had a great way of improving my essay without changing my voice. And as a mock interviewer, Faisal gave me some great, easy-to-implement tips that helped me to confidently tackle my interviews.

Long story short, I got into all three schools that I worked on with Faisal: Yale, Dartmouth, and Kellogg with a scholarship! There are significant time and money considerations when deciding to use an admissions consultant, but if you have the resources and the need to work with someone who has knows the process inside and out, I would highly encourage working with Faisal.

Accepted to MIT Sloan with $80K in Scholarships!

Coming from a technical engineering role in an industry that doesn’t value an MBA like other industries, I didn’t know many people who had pursued a full-time MBA. In addition, I didn’t have the best GMAT score for an “over-represented” applicant. For these reasons, I looked for an admission consultant to ensure I put the best application forward.

While doing my due diligence, I happened to connect with a mutual friend who had used MBA Prep School and is now at Wharton. With this lead, I connected with Tyler Cormney who took the time to understand my profile and needs. He recommended Faisal whose strengths as an admission consultant aligned strongly with my needs.

I knew I would not need someone to push me to write my applications. Rather, I needed someone to ensure I was telling the best version of my story. I also knew I would struggle with telling my work experience in layman terms, so I needed a consultant who has helped other engineers in a technical line of work.

I am happy to say that Faisal met and exceeded all my expectations. Faisal took the time to learn about me in order to help me craft my story in a truthful and compelling manner. I would often leave comments regarding any part of my application (essays, resumes, short answers, etc.) to gather additional feedback from Faisal. No matter how much I wrote, he always read every comment. In addition, Faisal was excellent at helping me showcase leadership examples while removing nonessential technical knowledge to tell a clear and concise story.

The school packages were comprehensive. Every part of my application was reviewed until it was ready (no edit counts) and feedback was provided within 2-3 days. This included supplemental essays after the application was submitted and even waitlist help (if needed).

Luckily for me, I was accepted to my top choice school, MIT Sloan with an $80k scholarship. I cannot thank Faisal enough! I would recommend him to anyone who feels they need a razor-sharp application to get accepted into their dream school.

Accepted to Kellogg, MIT, Duke and Darden (with $150K in scholarships)!

As a consultant from an over-represented background, without a perfect GPA, and a decent GMAT score, I knew that to get into the top MBA programs I had to have a razor-sharp story. In working with a consultant, I was looking for help with time/project management, guidance on the details and differentiation between programs (i.e., what each school cared about), and help putting a creative twist to my application. Faisal nailed all three.

During our work together, Faisal took the time to delve deep and understand me as a person, which allowed both of us to speak a common vernacular and pull from a common set of experiences to highlight in my essays and my interviews. As a proofreader, he challenged me to be provocative, precise, and answer the question(s) in my personal voice. He was available when I needed him, and made each step of the process as clear as possible. Ultimately, I think Faisal is different because he genuinely cares about his clients, and based on the other testimonials I read, this translates to strong results. I will be recommending Faisal to my friends and colleagues.

Accepted to HBS, Kellogg, Cornell and Oxford

I wanted to give a shoutout to Faisal. He was a tremendous support throughout the application process, and besides his deep expertise and knowledge in the MBA admissions space, I also wanted to commend him for being such a great motivator. The application process is a stressful and introspective one, and he really helped me build the confidence I needed in interviews, as well as helping me hone in on my strengths in my applications. One of my biggest hindrances is nerves and not being able to clearly articulate my strengths, so I truly appreciate the support he provided!

I also wanted to give him a huge shoutout for helping me manage deadlines and work on short timelines, as I was planning my own wedding (and getting married and going on my honeymoon!) during R2 deadlines. Even when I was losing steam at the end and wanted to hit submit on applications, he encouraged me to recognize my full potential and further polish my essays. And I am beyond grateful for that push!

So excited to share that I got into almost all the schools I applied to: HBS, Kellogg, Cornell and Oxford!

Accepted to Booth, Kellogg, Tepper, Goizueta, and Foster all with partial or full scholarships!

Deciding to work with Faisal Khan and the MBA Prep School team was the best decision I could have made regarding the application process. I come from a non-business background and do not have many in my close network knowledgeable about MBA programs or even the graduate school application process in general. I was truly flying blind.

Faisal took me under his wing and provided me with brainstorming materials and constructive feedback that forced me to be incredibly introspective. Brainstorming with Faisal was almost cathartic. Because he was so interested in learning about me, Faisal was able to point out strengths and unique qualities that I didn’t recognize in myself. The MBA Prep School brainstorming sessions and resources allowed me to brand myself as a top MBA candidate.

I also never waited longer than a few days to get feedback and edits from Faisal on my essays, resume, interview prep questions, etc. He was prompt, professional, and clearly cared about my success. My investment in MBA Prep School resulted in acceptances at Booth, Kellogg, Tepper, Goizueta, and Foster all with either partial or full scholarship awards! 😊

Accepted to Cornell, Tepper and NYU Stern (with $160K in scholarships!)

By the time I was done with the GMAT and started with the applications, there were only two months left until the R1 deadlines. I talked to many consultants and went ahead with Faisal considering the fact that he had lots of experience working with international students. I believed he would understand my story and will help me put it into perspective. Working with him gave me a lot of clarity about what I want through an MBA and taught me how to tell my story in an effective and powerful way. He helped me realize my dream of getting into a top MBA program with a full scholarship. I highly recommend Faisal to whoever wants help with telling their story. Thank you so much, Faisal!

Accepted to UC Berkeley Haas (with $60K scholarship!)

Coming into my second application cycle, having had decent success the first time around (two T15 admits with partial scholarships), I was looking to work with a consultant who could help elevate my applications to the next level for a shot at M7/T10 schools. I spoke to several consultants, most of whom did not seem confident that I could get into an M7/Top 10 school with my profile. Some were even hesitant to work with me since I already had two admits with scholarships from the previous year, and they perhaps saw more downsides than upsides in this endeavor for them.

After speaking to Faisal for the first time, I knew I wanted to work with him. What impressed me about him was that he showed great empathy and understanding when listening to my background, experiences, and goals. Faisal struck the delicate balance between helping set realistic expectations through his openness and, at the same time, ensuring that I was applying to the schools that I’d want to attend. In contrast, most consultants will ‘nudge’ you to apply to schools where you have better chances of being admitted so they can keep their records intact.

Faisal didn’t discourage me from applying even to Stanford GSB and Wharton, which were ‘extreme reach’ schools for me by my own admission. Not just that, we also decided to apply to MIT Sloan, Berkeley Haas, and Kellogg where I was going to be a re-applicant (most other consultants tried to sway me away from reapplying since it’s always a high-risk proposition).

I also liked that Faisal works with a much smaller number of people (usually 4-5), compared to some of the other full-time consultants who take on 12-15 applicants each round. I knew that this would guarantee that I was getting the personalized attention that I wanted for my applications.

Once we started working, I could see why Faisal has enjoyed such an impressive success as an admissions consultant. Instead of immediately plunging into essay writing and building application packages, Faisal helped me dig deeper and create a personal brand story that was authentic, unique, and powerful. His project management skills are top-notch. Throughout the process, I always received feedback that led to significant improvements to my drafts without taking authenticity or uniqueness away, a testament to Faisal’s exceptional story-telling skills. He always responded within the turnaround times that he had committed when we started working. Thanks to all this, I was able to submit six competitive applications in Round 1.

I recently heard back from my dream school – Berkeley Haas: an admit to their full-time MBA program with a $60K scholarship!!! To put this result and Faisal’s contribution to it into perspective: I was a re-applicant to one of the most selective business schools globally, in an unprecedentedly competitive admissions year and reduced number of seats due to deferrals (thanks to COVID19). It was only due to Faisal that I was able to overcome these impossible odds.

Business school admissions can be incredibly challenging. You want to work with a thorough professional with ample experience and past success who is willing to personally commit to and invest in your success, just as a friend would. If you go with Faisal, you will get all this and more!

Accepted to Kellogg’s MMM program

Faisal from MBA Prep School is the portrait of professionalism, subtle humor and MBA expertise. I worked with Faisal to build a compelling application just a handful of weeks before my application deadline. We didn’t have a long runway and to make things more stressful, I applied to one school. The stakes were high. But with Faisal’s timeliness and personalized dedication, I’m thrilled to have been accepted to a dual-degree program (MMM) at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

What impressed me most about Faisal was his deep knowledge of the MBA admissions process and his ability to help me craft a narrative that set me apart from other applicants. He was always responsive and provided timely feedback and support, which helped me stay focused throughout the stressful process. I want to particularly note how helpful Faisal was in facilitating the stories I used for my essays. We initially reviewed one of my essays for the application and after reading through it together, we felt it was “okay”. Not terrible but also nothing spectacular. It was at that moment when Faisal reminded me of a small detail I had written on a draft of my resume to use as the foundation of one of my essays. I didn’t realize the level of impact it would have, but I trusted his advice and completely rewrote my essay after he reminded me how special of a story it was. It ended up being such a strong essay that my admissions officer mentioned it to me over the phone after I had gotten accepted. If it weren’t for Faisal’s support and encouragement, my essays wouldn’t have been as polished and unique as they were by the time I submitted my material. Faisal was my champion in making sure my stories were clear to Kellogg. I also loved that Faisal connected me with a former MMM student who previously worked with him, and now that Kellogg alum is a dear friend of mine thanks to Faisal’s initial introduction.

Truthfully, Faisal began as my MBA admissions consultant but somewhere along the way, he became an older brother who I could speak to in confidence about my personal and professional endeavors as I navigated this chapter of applying to business school and now earning my MBA + MS in Design Innovation this summer at Kellogg. He’s a true partner and a brilliant advocate, and I feel like he always went above and beyond to see me succeed. I especially loved my mock interview with Faisal the day before my Kellogg interview. I firmly believe that my preparation with him beforehand led to such a meaningful interview with the admissions officer the next day. The second my interview ended, I texted Faisal, “I don’t think it could have gone any more perfectly.” With Faisal’s guidance, I had a newfound confidence and was able to present myself in the best possible light to Kellogg. I used all of the pointers that Faisal shared and I asked refreshing questions at the end of my interview, which ultimately led to my application being accepted into one of the top business schools in the world.

My success is Faisal’s success. I’m grateful to have had such a phenomenal admissions consultant in my corner but even more fortunate to have found a life-long mentor.

Accepted to Chicago Booth

Deciding that I wanted to pursue an MBA was easy; navigating the process was a completely different story. Without Faisal and MBA Prep School, I don’t think I would have been accepted into my dream school — Booth.

Yes, MBA Prep School has more resources than you can imagine about the MBA process, is timely in their responses, and is efficient with all administrative items. But what sets MBA Prep School apart is that they care. They care enough to match you with a Consultant that meets your unique needs. When I was matched with Faisal, I felt heard by the organization in a way I never did with the other consultants/firms I spoke to.

I knew Faisal was the Consultant for me during our introductory call because he actually wanted to get to know me. He wanted to understand my past, my present, and why my future included an MBA. When I told him which schools I was targeting, he never discouraged me. He was honest about how difficult it might be but he told me he’d ensure I put together my best application. At the end of the day, that’s all I wanted and needed to hear.

Faisal is kind and he listens. He is an expert at guiding you to mine your past for content and once you have that content, he’ll work with you to refine it. He not only helped me tell my story in my essays but in my resume and interviews as well. Faisal is a storyteller and he believes we all have our own unique stories to tell. I can guarantee he’ll help you tell yours.

I was a candidate without a perfect GPA and no quantitative background. Faisal helped me preemptively address any concerns admissions officers might have reading my application. He even helped me utilize these potential concerns as ways to show how I’m unique, why I’m passionate about pursuing an MBA, and why I wanted to attend the programs I was applying to.

I could go on and on but really, if you’re looking for a Consultant who knows the MBA process inside and out, will be both critical and kind, and will listen to you and help you craft an amazing story, Faisal is your guy.

Accepted to Georgetown

When I was starting my MBA journey to apply to schools, I needed someone to help guide me through the MBA admission process. I wanted to be with someone that had experience and knew inside and out about the admissions committee and how the process worked.

Before reaching out to anyone with consulting for the admission process, I had a friend that encouraged me to seek out a great consultant because even though he had a 730 GMAT score back in 2016 or so, he was admitted to a less than ideal business school for his score and GPA. Getting my GRE score to where I thought was okay took longer than hoped, so when starting my search, it was less time than hoped for round 2 deadlines this past year.

With my consultation meeting Faisal, I felt very much at ease with him. He was very positive and wanted to work with me. I wanted to work with him after that meeting during this process! I loved how Faisal broke up the whole process to mini deadlines. It showed me that it was possible to meet the round 2 deadlines if I followed through with the delivery dates. Also, he was very kind when working with me when I was formulating ideas. It was not easy, but it was possible. Even with my age and weaknesses in my transcripts, I was able to get accepted into one of my schools that I wanted! I was accepted into Georgetown. I am very excited and wanted to pass along my experience with Faisal. Also with the interview process I was able to get to meet another one of the MBA Prep School team and it was a great experience; it really helped me prepare for the real interviews with the different schools.

Accepted to UC Berkeley Haas PT, UCLA and USC

I started working with Faisal a couple of months before my first application was due. I knew my time with him would be extremely helpful once we finished our first session. In that meeting, I learned three things. First, that Faisal really cares. It’s quite clear from the first few moments that he’s really passionate about his clients getting into their dream schools. Second, he’s extremely smart and knowledgeable about the process. He’s able to give guidance on what the admissions office looks for in every aspect of your application. And third, he’s effective. In every session we had together, he made sure we had an agenda of what needed to get done. He knew that not only his time was valuable, but my time also.

Like many other applicants, the main weakness I had with my application was my exam scores and Faisal immediately knew how to handle the situation. We were able to confront the weakness throughout my application by following his recommendations. And because of him, I was accepted to all the programs I applied to, including a top ten program. Without a doubt, I’ll be referring all my friends and co-workers to Faisal!

Accepted to Wharton EMBA and UC Berkeley Haas EMBA

Do you feel that you have all the right ingredients for an MBA application but you are struggling to put it together in a recipe that will result in the dish of a lifetime? Well, that was me when I started down the MBA application path. I knew my career goals and I knew I was at the right point in my career where an MBA could help me boost the next phase of my career. I had taken the GMAT and had a good score and I had my recommenders lined up. But I was struggling to communicate my story crisply and effectively.

A very close friend of mine had gone down this route a few years back and I talked to him for advice and he said he faced pretty much the same challenge and recommended seeking help from a professional. I investigated a few MBA consultants and I got in touch with Faisal via MBA Prep School. I was quite impressed with all the glorious recommendations that Faisal had online but what sealed the deal for me was the introductory call that I had with him. In that half-hour call, Faisal asked insightful questions and I knew I had found the person who can help me pen my story.

Faisal can be very critical with his feedback when required and can also be very encouraging when required. While Faisal did have a defined framework that he worked in, he adapted that to make it work with my timeline. The experience Faisal has in this field also proved very useful to me and helped me approach the whole process more confidently. I highly recommend Faisal for MBA application counseling.

Accepted to INSEAD and London Business School (LBS)

A friend who was accepted at HBS himself referred me to Faisal and I am so glad for that! At first, I did wonder if a US-based consultant would indeed be able to help with my very Asia-focused application to international schools. By the end of my first 30-minute conversation with Faisal, I was left with no doubt that I wanted to work with him. I felt Faisal already understood my drivers and concerns around the application process. I can safely say I wasn’t wrong.

This is what I loved about working with Faisal:

1) The MBA consultation at no point felt like a business transaction. Faisal completely respected it as a personal journey helping me figure out what would work best for me and put together my application story. This worked great not just for essays and then interviews but also in me getting clarity on what I really wanted from the MBA myself.

2) I always got honest, firm yet polite feedback from Faisal – no mincing words.

3) Even during the busy application round deadlines time, I had seamless and meaningful communication with Faisal. My application always felt like a priority. As I completed my MBA interviews I also got a call for a job interview for a position I had applied to months ago and I was then quite keen on. I realised that working with Faisal over these months on my apps had given me such clarity for answering personal story and competency questions and structuring those answers that I was completely comfortable even at the job interview (I cleared that interview, and will be going for MBA anyway). It is a skill I shall carry well beyond the MBA application process.

I would without a shadow of a doubt recommend working with Faisal for MBA apps!

Accepted to Kellogg, Chicago Booth and Georgetown

Working with Faisal on my application is the best decision I have ever made.

Working with Faisal has been such a transformative experience! Faisal has the best story-telling and English writing skills and is patient, trustful, and insightful. Faisal inspired me to summarize my past experience and tell more powerful stories than I could ever imagine. Most importantly I think Faisal taught me how to approach thinking and writing – something that has not only has benefited my application but will also benefit my future life. Faisal has helped me reach outside my limits and realize my dream.

It has been such a wonderful time working with Faisal, and I would highly recommend Faisal to anyone who wants to take on a life-changing journey!

Accepted to Chicago Booth

Faisal is a great consultant to work with. He definitely understands what the admission office people are looking for in your application. When I started the application process, I had my MBA friends look at my essays. Although my friends pointed out my weaknesses, I was at a loss on revising them. I realized I need a consultant to help. I did hourly coaching with Faisal focusing on essays. He helped me transform my story in a powerful way and inspired me to clearly articulate my goal.

I have a good background but nothing extremely special. I believe it is my essay that differentiates me from the crowd and I would not achieve that without Faisal’s help. Every time I talked to Faisal, he challenged me to think through essential questions such as my career passion, my choice of MBA, my network, and how to address my weaknesses in the application. Being able to answer those questions eventually set up a great foundation for my application, not only on my essays but also on my interview. Faisal is very responsive. He even followed up with me when I got behind on revising my essays. I highly recommend Faisal. He cares about whether you can be successful on your application and you want to find someone like that to help you along the journey.

Accepted to Cornell’s 1 Year MBA

Like most people here, I realized I wanted something different in life but it was after working for 10 years. In order to achieve my goal, I knew I had to get a good business education but I realized my ambition a little late in the game (i.e., at the age of 33). It was stressful. I never knew if it is possible to get into business school to achieve my dreams at this point in my life.

My motto is always to try and fail but not to quit even before trying. So I took GMAT and scored a mediocre 700. I say mediocre because I see that many GMAT clubbers scoring 720+. Anyways, as I plan to not shift my job industry, I wanted to apply to good ONE-YEAR MBA schools.

Based on my goals, I figured out Cornell and Emory will give me a good chance for my future. As this was my last chance to get into a good school, I didn’t want to take chances. So I wanted to pick the right Admission Consultant who can guide me throughout the process.

So I started my research of good admission consultants. I spoke with a few admission consultants in India. I couldn’t establish any connection with them as I understood that most of them try to squeeze as many people as possible. So I decided to speak to admission consultants in US and I spoke to Faisal. I realized that, if at all I have a chance, it’s through Faisal because he was honest and didn’t promise me any guaranteed admission. All he promised me was that he will push me to work hard to get my admissions stuff right and that he helped someone in the same boat as me. So based on other reviews and my gut feeling, I decided to hire Faisal.

What can I say? He was there at each step of the admission process. He really understood my story. He helped at each step of the application process and he was available whenever I needed him. On top of everything, as he promised, he pushed me so hard to work to get everything right in this exhausting process. Not to mention, the number of times he edited my resume and essays. Everything is my story and I wrote everything. He was very patient to point out my lengthy sentences, and suggestions on how to present my content much better. I felt that he genuinely wanted to help me. Along the process, as I was working with him, I realized that the money I paid was extremely well spent even if I do not get admission because I learned valuable lessons on writing and presenting essays and facing interviews. I would have written this endorsement even if I didn’t get an admission.

Finally, at the end of this daunting process, my story was presented in a much more powerful way than I ever imagined. I am really happy that I chose him. With Faisal’s guidance, my hard work, and a little luck, I got admitted to Cornell and was waitlisted at Emory.

Overall, I highly recommend him and if I have to describe his work ethic in 1 word, it’s “AWESOME”.

Accepted to Chicago Booth

Faisal is a magical person in terms of structuring the essay in the very first draft. In addition, he tries to understand the profile of the applicant and advises on the h4 points to be put in the essay.

I started with Faisal 10 days before the application deadline and received an admissions offer. I think without Faisal, whose key inputs from the start steered me in the right direction, I would not have been able to submit my application. Within the 5th review, my essay was done. For those who have less time and dream to apply to many schools, I do not see any person other than Faisal for this task. I am thankful to him for his incredible contribution to my application process.

Accepted to NYU Stern

Having reached the ninth inning of the MBA application process (the interview), I knew I had to give it my all. The mock interview with Faisal and his feedback gave me the tools and confidence I needed for game day. I identified and improved my interviewing flaws and learned how to better frame my answers in a clear, concise, and logical manner. Thanks again, MBA Prep School!

Accepted to Northwestern Kellogg (Part-Time) and Chicago Booth (Part-Time)

When I was first considering an MBA, I decided to see what MBA admissions consultants had to offer and I set up a host of free introductory calls with various consultants. During our first call itself, Faisal’s approach struck me as one that was unique and personalized, and three factors really stood out to me. Firstly, Faisal is a great listener and he actually listened to what I had to say. I felt like most other consultants were trying to interrogate me during the first call and perhaps trying to assess me based on some existing structure or metric or questionnaire. I would rather have a personalized yet flowing and informative conversation since I firmly believe each individual is unique and has their own story to tell. Secondly, Faisal did not once mention that I need to retake the GMAT (I took it once and scored a 740) based on the demographic that I hail from (more on this later). This was music to my ears as I don’t believe in wasting time and effort giving an exam more than once mainly because that time could be well spent bolstering other parts of your profile or just living and enjoying life. Last but not the least, he actually suggested that I wait a year to apply for a number of reasons. While this also aligned with my own thought process, I had set up all those calls to essentially gain a second opinion, and some consultants that I spoke to really wanted me to start the process asap; to me, they just came across as really pushy salespeople.

Fast forward one year and I decided to work with Faisal for my Full-Time MBA applications. In all my interactions with him, he was approachable, punctual, and prompt yet detailed in his email responses. When it came to the essays, he was instrumental in identifying high-impact stories and then urging me to write more on those. That’s really important because many times, it’s difficult to assess the impact of one’s own stories and an unbiased fresh viewpoint really helps you put things in perspective and piece your own story together. It’s worth mentioning that Faisal helps you in the creative process and helps you write your own story There’s much more to it than just editing and proofreading; he wants to get to know you and not just assist you with the application. He was present, as a sounding board and advisor throughout the process: when I was offered an amazing growth opportunity and when I moved to a different city. In essence, you can’t go wrong with Faisal. I would say the terms “career coach” and “mentor” suit him to a tee (Consultant just sounds very business-oriented). My journey had quite a few twists and turns and I actually ended up with admits to the top two Part-Time programs in the US (I decided not to pursue Full Time for personal and professional reasons).

Accepted to UC Berkeley Haas (Part-Time)

I wanted to let you know that I got admitted to Haas’s weekend MBA program at Berkeley. Thank you so much for all the help during the admissions process. From picking the most relevant stories to helping me structure my thoughts in a clear and succinct manner your guidance was instrumental in getting the ‘yes’ from Berkeley. I’ll be happy to recommend your services to my friends.

Accepted to MIT Sloan

Enlisting the help of Faisal Khan and Esther Choy for my business school admissions process was simply one of the best professional decisions of my life. I firmly believe that without their help, I would not have gotten into a top-5 MBA program. While there are many MBA admissions consultants out there, I believe that Esther and Faisal differentiate themselves in the following ways:

1. Robust client work plan: If I had to mention one item that sets Esther and Faisal apart from other admissions consultants, I would have to say it is their comprehensive client work plan. They rely on a framework that breaks the MBA application process into its discrete components and that is truly the best way to brainstorm and figure out how to portray yourself to the admissions committee.

2. Powerful storytelling process: Not only will Esther and Faisal provide you with timely and detailed feedback to help you polish your essays, but they will also help you craft a compelling story that will touch the admissions officers on an emotional level. They pushed me to edit and re-edit my essays until all of them tied together in a way that my overall application actually had a unified theme and a powerful underlying career purpose.

3. First-hand experience as both students and admissions officers: Esther and Faisal can offer incredible insights into the MBA applications process as they have both attended a top-tier MBA program AND they have both served on a top-tier MBA school’s admissions committee. Their unique background offers them a holistic and comprehensive view that was immensely helpful for me. For instance, when I was waitlisted at one of my schools, Esther was able to provide me with some insider knowledge about how the process works behind the scenes and then gave me advice on the best way to proceed.

4. Kindness and generosity: During my MBA application process I was waitlisted at a school that was not part of our consulting arrangement. Despite this, Faisal was kind enough to offer his services in helping me get off the waitlist, free-of-charge because he cared about me and my future beyond that of a typical admissions consultant.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier with the whole admissions process and attribute a lot of my eventual success to the help that Esther and Faisal provided to me. I definitely recommend them if you are looking to take your MBA applications to the next level!

Accepted to Cornell, Cambridge and Oxford

Navigating the MBA application process can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have a busy work schedule and are targeting only the top programs. I had an initial consultation with Chris and he paired me up with Faisal, who had been a huge help in my application. During our one-on-one consultation, Faisal took the time to analyze my educational and professional background, understood my stories, and emphasized those aspects of my candidacy that clearly illustrated my strengths. It is amazing how small but insightful comments can make a world of difference in the overall application. I felt a lot more confident going into my interviews. The result was getting admission offers from 3 of the 4 schools I applied to. I would highly recommend Faisal to all prospective candidates. MBA Prep School was a great investment I made towards my MBA.